Halaman ini dibuat untuk memudahkan kalian menemukan special effect yang biasa dipakai di aplikasi DC2. Item Special Effect ini BUKAN dibuat oleh Cekenonet, tapi dari kreator lain. Semoga bermanfaat. Terima Kasih. 1. Dynamics Special Effect 1 2. Dynamics Special Effect 3 3. Effect Test 4. Enc Effectone 5. Gerand Pack 6. My Xamop Effect Three Pack 7. My Xamop Effect 8. Pack Effect *Note that this content is made purposefully for Drawing Cartoons 2 animations videos. No Copyright Infringement Intended* +十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十十+ +十十十十十十+ ++++++++++++++++++++十+++++十++十+十++十++十++++++ DISCLAIMER !! Make sure you give the credits to the rightful owners when you use this effect in your animations (Put a link of their channel in your video description) copyrights DONT belong to Cekenonet and any misuse of this content could be punishable offence Part Lainnya: Karakter dari Kreator Lain Kendaraan Roda 2 Karakter Anak SMA Item jalan bergerak & Barang-barang lain...